Annual book
"Latvians and Belarusians:
together through the centuries"
Annual book "Latvians and Belarusians: together through the centuries" was founded in 2012 for the purpose of promoting the knowledge about the Latvian-Belarussian interaction from the middle of the XIX century and till present. Among our authors are representatives of the academic community, and those who only is approved in science (students, undergraduates, graduate students), and also regional specialists. The task of the annual book is building the dialogue from the scientists, an exchange of results of scientific researches, adjustment of contacts for new joint projects. Published articles reflect the situation and the role of Latvians in a history of Belarus and Belarussians in a history of Latvia, also a condition of international and interstate interaction now. Since the second release are allocated the separate themes which some articles are devoted.
The main sections of annual book are:
- history;
- philosophy and culture;
- interaction on modern stage.
Releases of annual book are dispatched on the main libraries of Republic of Belarus (including university), also libraries of the Latvian university (Riga) and Daugavpils universities go to the Latvian national library. Possibly to get an annual book in Akademkniga bookstore (Minsk, Belarus), in some online bookstores, and also having contacted Edition or the Publishing center of Republican institute of the higher school (Minsk).
To annual book is appropriated ISSN 2312-2188.